Saturday, April 3, 2010

Hilleborre Rasmusdatter 1808

Hilleborre Rasmusdatter 1808
As written by Birthe Marie Nielsen Lindhardt

Hilleborre, also called Hilleborg, was born March 13 1808 in Stoense, Langeland. She was child number 4 of blacksmith Rasmus Godfredsen and Karen Funch. She grew up in a big family and her mother died in 1827 so Hilleborre began to work as a maidservant in Tranekær Castle.

(Picture of Tranekaer castle)
Photo: Mogens Engelund, Wikipedia

While she worked there she had 3 children out of wedlock. My father said that the Count was the father to the children (*see below) But according to the church records there is a sailor named Niels Nielsen from Copenhagen who is written as the child's father.

1. Karoline Nielsdatter Apr 26 1829
2. Laurine Nielsdatter Dec 3 1831
3. Hans Christian Nielsen Dec 1 1834

The 3 children grew up with their grandpa, who had 6 children of his own at home to watch over. Hilleborre married on Jan 6, 1841 to Hans Phillip Hansen. She was 32 and he was 24. Together they had Rasmine Hansen, born October 30, 1842. My dad only knew Rasmine. He never knew Karoline or Laurine. You can find our family in the census book from Stoense in 1860 but not in 1870. They probably moved.

*Note- The Count that resided there is rumored to have fathered over 100 illegitimate children with various women. Being that she worked in the castle it is very likely that she could have been one of the many women whom he fathered children with. Because it was a shame on the royal family, a father's name was often made up to hide the "real" father for the purpose of church records. Of course we will never know the truth. We can only speculate. However, her son Hans Christian Nielsen never knew a father names Niels Nielsen. He was told his father was the Count. Hans Christian also received 2 pieces of property from Tranekaer castle in exchange for 10% of the profits.

I once knew the name of the Count but have since forgotten it. If anyone knows it please contact me.

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