Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Carl Viggo Hertz & Marie Nielsine Dahl

 Carl Viggo Hertz and Marie Nielsine Dahl

Carl was born on 22 Feb in Copenhagen, Denmark to Gotfred Hertz and Berteline Wilhemine Knudsen. 
He married Marie Nielsine Dahl 

on 24 Oct 1869 in Helligaandskirken in Copenhagen, Denmark when Marie was 7 months pregnant with their first child. 
Helligaandskirken (Holy Spirit's Church) Copenhagen, DK

He was a butcher by trade.
Carl and Mary had 7 children:

Viggo Christian Gotfred Hertz born 10 Dec 1869
Marie Wilhemine Hertz born 14 Aug 1871
Wilhelm Carl Christian Hertz born 27 Nov 1873
Hulda Frederikke Nielsine Hertz born 30 May 1879
Agnes Adamine Hertz born 3 Mar 1881
Thelka Dorthea Hertz born 31 Dec 1883
(the last 2 were born in Copenhagen and baptised in Vor Frelser Kirke)

Carl's wife Marie died 18 years into their marriage from Pneumonia in 1886. She was 45 years old. He remarried Marie Johansdatter in 1887.

Christian Marius Hertz

Christian Marius Hertz
(as told by Kate Lindhardt Tils)

Christian was born 6 April 1876 in Copenhagen, Denmark. His parents are Carl Frederik Viggo Hertz and Marie Nielsen Dahl.
Christian's mother died when he was only 10 years old and that was very tough on him. His father remarried Marie Johansen who Christian did not like. She was a just woman, always trying to be fair but he thought she was mean because she wouldn't give one child something without giving the other the same thing.
Christian became a furniture maker and lived in the same apartment complex as a beautiful young girl named Mary Christine Amelia Mortensen Nielsen.
One day Mary's shelf broke so she asked the handsome young Christian to come and fix it. When she went to pay him he told her he did not want money, but asked for a kiss as payment instead. They fell in love and were married Nov 12 1899.
Christian and Mary had to move a lot in order for Christian to provide for his growing family. At one point he even had to work in Sweden and could only come home on the weekends.

Here are pictures of some of the houses they lived in
Horsebakken 40 Gladsaxe

 Hjortedahlsvej Vanløse

Christian and Mary had 7 children, Betty Marie Hertz being the oldest.

Christian and Mary with their first child Betty

As Christian got older he lost a lot of his hearing and had to wear a hearing aide. Birthe Marie's cousin's remember their grandfather as a grumpy man :)
Towards the end of his life he became senile and Betty began to take care of him. One day when she came to visit him he asked, "Betty, why didn't the sun come up yesterday?" At that point Betty realized that he had flip flopped nights and days around and needed more attention.
Marius died 15 Mar 1953 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Rasmine Andersen

Rasmine Andersen

Rasmine was born 7 Jan 1850 in Hundstrup.
She married Morten Nielsen 31 Jan 1872 in Vester Skerninge. She had 1 child out of wedlock followed by 3 more after their marriage all born in Vester Skerninge. One of which being Mary Christine Amelia Mortensen Neilsen

Morten Nielsen

Morten Nielsen

Morten was a shoemaker, born 21 Nov 1841 in Vester Skerninge
He married Rasmine Andersen 31 May 1872 in Vester Skerninge
They had 1 child out of wedlock born in Hundstrup and 3 born in Vester Skerninge
Morten died in 1890. The exact death date is currently unknown

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Ludwig Wilhelm Giesmann & Elina Marie Fries

Ludwig Wilhelm Giesmann & Elina Marie Fries
Bent's mother's parents
(Bent's Mormor og Morfar)

Niels Marius Lindhardt

Niels Marius Lindhardt

Niels Marius Lindhardt as a Sailor in the Danish Navy.

Niels Marius Lindhardt with his wife Margethe P. Skov and children. Not sure who is who. If someone knows please contact me

Niels Lindhardt

Niels Lindhardt
Niels Lindhardt & Anna Giesmann holding Ludvig Lindhardt (Bent's older brother)

Betty Marie Hertz

Betty Marie Hertz
As told by Kate Giesmann Lindhardt Tils

My mormor, Betty Marie Hertz was born as the oldest of 6 children to Christian Marius Hertz and Mary Christine Amelia Mortensen Nielsen
Betty with her parents

They moved all the time as her father was a cabinet/furniture maker and liked to fix up houses and sell them.
She was a very caring person, and was always busy doing things for others.
She was a heavy set lady, with bowed legs (like a cowboy).
When I grew up both she and my MorFar (danish for Mom's Dad)  smoked cigars. The whole apartment was yellow tarred from the smoke.
As a young person, but also later in life she worked as a delicatessen lady in different butcher shops. She was excellent with food, and was often hired as a cook at weddings and other big get togethers
I only know her in her older years as she was 53 when I was born.
She would always make so much dinner that there was enough for several lonely people in the neighborhood, whom she would serve a plate for. She remembered a lot and told me several stories about our ancestors, but I did not know who they were, so nothing is written down.
She had a close relationship with her sisters Emmy and Carla, and we visited them often. Her brothers I do not know much about.
Left to right: Betty, Emmy, Carla

Betty had 6 children, all born at home in the little apartment at Kaersangervej 19, 1/tv in the North West part of Copenhagen.
She took care of her parents when they were old. She also took care of her husband who was 12 years older than her when he was in a coma for 6-8 month before he died in 1969
Betty liked Relief Society and attended several years before she joined the church in 1972. She was baptized together with my little brother Gert. She quit smoking cigars and drinking coffee before she joined.
Betty was always busy with her hands; knitting, crochet work, embroidering etc. She said that as a young child she could only go out and play if she brought her knitting needles and knitted gloves or socks while she played. She would knit baby cardigan and baby pants and booties for every pregnant person she knew. She often helped my mom, by mending socks and pants.
She had long hair, that was white when I knew her. I think it was brown in her younger days.She always had her hair put up, and covered with a netting.
Once a year at Christmas time ,she would gather us grandchildren, and take us to the center of Copenhagen to look at the beautifully decorated store windows. Then we would eat hot dogs at a hot dog stand, and then watch the Disney's Christmas shows at the movie theater. Every year on the day after Christmas we celebrated at her house together with all her children and grandchildren.
They never had a car, so all shopping was done by walking or riding the bus, and then carry home the groceries in her arms.
Betty was well liked by everyone, and it was said about her that she had magic hands. If she put her hands on people's body where ever it hurt, their pain would go away.
Her husband always said that she was always busy helping and serving others.


For a picture of Betty with her Husband Hans Nielsen CLICK HERE
For a picture of Betty as a baby, and holding her first baby, CLICK HERE

Mary Christine Amelia Mortensen Nielsen

Mary Christine Amelia Mortensen Nielsen

Mary was born in Vester Skerninge in the Southern part of Fyn to Morten Nielsen and Rasmine Andersen

One day Mary's shelf broke in her apartment. There was a handsome young man name Christian that lived in her apt building that was a furniture building so she asked him to come fix it. When she went to pay him he declined the money and asked for a kiss as payment instead.
Mary married Christian Marius Hertz in St. Johannes church in Copenhagen on 12 Nov 1899
She had 7 children
 Betty Marie Hertz in 1900 (Birthe's mother)
Carla in 1902
Emmy in 1904
Viggo in 1906
Kaj in 1908
Svend Aege in 1910
Gotdfred in 1916

Christian Marius Hertz, Betty Marie Hertz, Mary Christine Amelia Mortsensen Neislen Hertz

Mary with grandson's Paul and Jørgen (?)

4 Generation Picture
Left to Right: Mary Christine Amelia Mortensen Nielsen, Betty Marie Hertz, Asta Nielsen(infant), Rasmine Andersen

3 Generation Picture
Left to Right: Rasmine Andersen, Mary Christine Amelian Mortensen Nielsen, children: Emmy & Betty

Mary was a diabetic and suffered open wounds in her leg which eventually had to be amputated. She died shortly after that on the 12th of Jan 1950.

Kristian Marius Hertz

Kristian Marius Hertz

Hilda Christine Nielsen 1881

Hilda Christine Nielsen 1881
As written by Birthe Marie Nielsen Lindhardt

Aunt Hilda is the one I know best out of my Dad’s sisters. She always came to the family birthday parties and always attended our yearly vacation and New Years Eve party. Hilde Christine was born February 27, 1881 in Stoense Udflytter, Langeland. She also became a maidservant and got pregnant and had a daughter Grethe called Tulle. Later she married fireman August Peters and together they had a son name Erik. They had a house in Præstevangen, Husum, where I can remember I had some wonderful summer vacations. My cousin Erik was a grownup and lived with his wife Gudrun on 1 Salen. Tulle had a chocolate boutique and my Aunt helped her to make chocolate and took care of finances. The last year they lived in an apartment in Ågade, Frederiksberg. My Aunt died December 7, 1950.

Hilleborre Rasmusdatter 1808

Hilleborre Rasmusdatter 1808
As written by Birthe Marie Nielsen Lindhardt

Hilleborre, also called Hilleborg, was born March 13 1808 in Stoense, Langeland. She was child number 4 of blacksmith Rasmus Godfredsen and Karen Funch. She grew up in a big family and her mother died in 1827 so Hilleborre began to work as a maidservant in Tranekær Castle.

(Picture of Tranekaer castle)
Photo: Mogens Engelund, Wikipedia

While she worked there she had 3 children out of wedlock. My father said that the Count was the father to the children (*see below) But according to the church records there is a sailor named Niels Nielsen from Copenhagen who is written as the child's father.

1. Karoline Nielsdatter Apr 26 1829
2. Laurine Nielsdatter Dec 3 1831
3. Hans Christian Nielsen Dec 1 1834

The 3 children grew up with their grandpa, who had 6 children of his own at home to watch over. Hilleborre married on Jan 6, 1841 to Hans Phillip Hansen. She was 32 and he was 24. Together they had Rasmine Hansen, born October 30, 1842. My dad only knew Rasmine. He never knew Karoline or Laurine. You can find our family in the census book from Stoense in 1860 but not in 1870. They probably moved.

*Note- The Count that resided there is rumored to have fathered over 100 illegitimate children with various women. Being that she worked in the castle it is very likely that she could have been one of the many women whom he fathered children with. Because it was a shame on the royal family, a father's name was often made up to hide the "real" father for the purpose of church records. Of course we will never know the truth. We can only speculate. However, her son Hans Christian Nielsen never knew a father names Niels Nielsen. He was told his father was the Count. Hans Christian also received 2 pieces of property from Tranekaer castle in exchange for 10% of the profits.

I once knew the name of the Count but have since forgotten it. If anyone knows it please contact me.

Anine Regine Hansen 1844

Anine Regine Hansen 1844
My Dads Mom
As written by Birthe Marie Nielsen Lindhardt

Anine Regine was born March 1 1844 in Snode, Langeland. Her dad was landlord Niels Hansen and her mom was Ane Kathrine Rasmusdatter, who was also from Snode. Anine was the oldest of 7 children and my dad said that she was an excellent student in school. She could read and write and it was always her that helped the kids with their homework and wrote the family letters. She was also a good housewife and mother. Everything was homemade and home baked. She was very hard working and helped with the running of the farm.
My Dad admired her a lot. My dad said that Anine’s dad, Niels Hansen was in the war from 1848 to 1859 together with his 2 brothers. They were in the same rank and he saw them both die. He was unharmed. My mother told me that my grandmother was a fast runner and that she played hide and seek with my older sisters. Bedstemor died Nov 26 1931 at the age of 87.

Carl Henrik Nielsen

Carl Henrik Nielsen
As written by Birthe Marie Nielsen Lindhardt
My dad didn’t write much about his oldest brother in his remembrance book, but there is also 20 years in-between them. He only mentioned that he went home to help his parents because Niels Peter was a soldier in the army and my dad had to take over Niels Peter’s place since Carl was a landlord. Dad was 17 at this time and Carl Henrik was 37. Carl Henrik married when he was 54 to Mine Hansen on November 5 1922. No children were born into the marriage. 15 years later, Carl Henrik died, in April 1937.

Hans Christian Nielsen 1834

Hans Christian Nielsen 1834
My Dad's Dad
As written by Birthe Marie Lindhardt

My Bedstefar was from an adoptive family. He was born Dec 1 1834 in Stoense, Langeland. His mother was an unmarried maidservant in Tranekær castle named Hilleborre Rasmusdatter. Hans Christian, together with his 2 older sisters were raised up with their Bedstefar Rasmus Godfredsen who was a blacksmith widow to 6 children. Rasmus died when Hans Christian was 12 years old. He went to a gardening school in Stengard and loved flowers and to see things grow…later when he had his own home, he had a beautiful pond that he was very proud of. He became a soldier and was in the war in 1864. He joined Service 2 in Jylland (southern Jylland) but was only in the reserves and never went on the front lines. He did receive however, a remembrance medal and every year gathered together with his soldier companions. He married when he was 34 years old on November 21 1868 to Anine Regine Hansen. He received 2 pieces of land from Tranekaer castle and with the families help, built a little country house that still exists today. To pay for the land, he was to pay 10% of all his profits to the Count. The children began to come and Anine had 3 boys and 3 girls. My dad used to tell me in detail about his childhood memorie, On how they butchered and baked bread. So we learned a lot in detail on how they live their daily lives. In 1918 Hans and Anine celebrated their golden anniversary with all of their children to celebrate with them. Bedstefar died April 27, 1923 at the age of 89 and Bedstemor died November 26, 1931 at the age of 81.

Hans Nielsen 1888

Hans Nielsen 1888
As written by Birthe Marie Nielsen Lindhardt

My dad came into the world in the house where his parents, Hans Christian Nielsen & Anine Regine Hansen built with the family’s help. He was the youngest of 6 children. My grandpa was a landlord so he grew up under small circumstances. He wrote descriptively in his remembrance book about how his life was during his childhood and how everything was made.

He was a good and hard working boy and helped his parents a lot because his parents were old when he was born. 54 & 44 years old. His schooling was very poor. There was only one class where all the children of all ages were taught by the same teacher. But my dad always did his best and won the prize for best in character and diligence. After his confirmation he continued to go to night school to gain more knowledge & later he went to high school.

He had an ear for music and played the harmonica. He composed & made songs and always took part in community parties. When he was 14, he helped his neighbor burn oars and his salary was 25 ore a day. (32 cents) he saved his money and bought a pocket watch that he had until he died.

After his confirmation, he stayed home a couple of years and helped his parents and drove a steam engine. His daily salary was now 2 kroner and since he was money smart and saved his money he soon bought a bike.

When my dad was 17 he went to serve at his brother’s land and from his servants conduct book we can follow his activities. Later, dad bought a car and became a chauffer. He ended up driving for Hovedstaden Brugsforening and it was here that he met mom (Betty Marie Hertz). He was 34 years old. They became engaged and together bought a meat/butcher shop on Alhambravey. They were married March 4 1923.
Hans Nielsen and Betty Marie Hertz (no date available)

Niels Peter Nielsen

Niels Peter Nielsen

As written by Birthe Marie Nielsen Lindhardt

Niels Peter, dad’s other brother was born March 18, 1883. He became a soldier in 1905 in the National Service. He married in 1912 to Elise Ray Hansen and settled on Sjælland where they bought a house in Haraldsted. When Niels Peter was enlisted as a soldier under I. Verdenskrig, my father watched his property. In 1920 he sold the property. Together with his father, they bought his parent’s property on Langeland. Niels Peter and Elise had 6 children. Anna, Elna, Helge, Otto, Hans, and Grethe. So they were a large family that lived in that little house. Niels Peter died June 6, 1967 and his son Hans took over the property.

Andrea Nielsen 1874

Andrea Nielsen 1874
As written by Birthe Marie Nielsen Lindhardt

My Dad’s sister Andrea was born March 26 1874 in Stoense. She married at the age of 24 to Hans Mortensen Madse. He was a miller in Snøde at this time and my Dad told me that he made wheat/flour so good that he won a gold medal in a contest in Rudkøbing. The mill went well but he sold the mill at a big price and bought a piece of land on Sjælland “Enghavegård” in Sorø. He hired my Dad as a helper and my Dad stayed there for 1 year. Dad wished to quit the job so he could leave as friends. They had a little different views on farming. Andrea and Hans Mortensen had 3 sons but the oldest died from the Spanish Plauge. The boys names were Orla and Helge, but I don’t know when they were born. Andrea and Hans Mortensen arranged a vacation 50th wedding anniversary on November 22 1948. The picture os from that event with my Mom and Dad together with Uncle August and Aunt Hilda as guests in addition to the children and grand children.

Laura Rasmine Nielsen

Laura Rasmine Nielsen 1879
As written by Birthe Marie Nielsen Lindhardt

Laura Rasmine Nielsen was born August 5, 1879 in Snøde, Langeland. She was a maidservant her whole life and was never married. But she did have a son whom, my mom and I sometimes visited in Vibevej. The father to the boy was Uncle Peter who rented deck chairs in Stauningsplæn, Charlottenlund. The whole family always went on a yearly picnic with lunch packs and we children helped people stack deckchairs up and thereby earned a popsicle.

One day Aunt Laura fell into the cellar and cut her abdomen and later found cancer in the wound. My mom watched her and put clean clothes on the would until she died September 28, 1931

Rasmus Godfredsen

Rasmus Godfredsen 1778

As written by Birthe Marie Nielsen Lindhardt

Rasmus was born in Snøde, Langeland in 1778. He was a blacksmith in Stoense. He married Karen Funch, who was born in Stoense in 1783. Together they had 12 children

1. Rasmus Rasmussen Mar 31 1805

2. Godfred Rasmussen Mar 27 1807

3. Hans Jøren Rasmussen Mar 27 1807

4. Hilleborre Rasmussdatter Mar 15 1808

5. Dorthe Kirstine Rasmusdatter Jan 31 1811

6. Caroline Frederikke Rasmusdatter Apr 11 1813

7. Stillborn Boy Oct 17 1815

8. Kirsten Rasmusdatter Jan 12 1817

9. Ane Rasmusdatter Apr 14 1819

10. Maren Rasmusdatter Mar 15 1822

11. Daniette Rasmusdatter Apr 10 1824

12. Stillborn Girl May 3 1825

Birthe Marie Nielsen

Birthe Marie, 17 years old

Birthe Marie on her wedding day